Estudos de mercado

Building Strong Foundations: Developing a Strategy for the Future of Work

This report sets out a conceptual model that encompasses four overlapping areas: the design of work itself, the workforce, the workplace, and real estate portfolios.

We explore how organisations can develop a strategy for work that’s fit for the future. 

Junho 15, 2021

The rapid changes to our working lives caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has precipitated much debate about the future of work, the workplace and of corporate real estate. Business leaders across geographies and sectors are reflecting on their experiences of the pandemic and questioning their organisation’s ways of working: Is our model of work optimal? How should we organise our workforce? How do our workplaces need to change? Are our offices in the right locations? This report provides a framework for answering these questions.

To aid businesses in shaping a strategy for work in the post-pandemic world, this report sets out a conceptual model that encompasses four overlapping areas: the design of work itself, the workforce, the workplace, and real estate portfolios. Drawing parallels with examples in the worlds of business, sports and history, we explore in each of these areas how organisations can reconfigure their ways operating and develop a strategy for work that’s fit for the future.

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