Estudos de mercado

(re)imagine for
Corporate Occupiers

The coronavirus pandemic is acting as an accelerator to drive the transformation of real estate. For occupiers, it’s providing a window of opportunity to reimagine the future of work.

Julho 09, 2020

Right now, many companies are looking at their current workplaces in a new light and are questioning longstanding workplace strategies and location choices. The office is still a central part of their thinking but it needs to adapt in line with evolving trends including the rise of remote working, a renewed focus on health and wellbeing and the integration of new technology solutions.

The challenge, now more than ever, is to create workplaces that connect the remote, the virtual, the digital, the physical and the social. Those that do so successfully can foster collaboration, innovation and social interaction while facilitating productivity and reflecting a company’s brand and values.

So what does this mean for existing workspaces? What are some of the key areas that companies should be focusing on in both the short and the longer term? How will this global rethink on the purpose of the office affect future demand for space?

Providing guidance for CRE Directors, this report uses leading practices and a scenario building approach. It explains how to kick off the reimagination process and the fundamental questions to address, allowing you to lay the groundwork for the next normal; a distributed portfolio for a liquid workforce.

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