
The Living
Destination 2019

The Living Destination 2019 Report, is an overview of the Portuguese residential market, more specifically of Lisbon referring to 2019 market indicators

Setembro 24, 2019

Portugal is an obvious destination for residential real estate investing. In recent years, and again in 2018, more than half (57%) of the transactions mediated by JLL were houses bought by foreigners. The British and the French are still very active, but the market currently reflects a strong Brazilian, Turkish and South African presence. In fact, through JLL, a universe of 48 different nationalities bought a house in Portugal in 2018. If we had been told this ten years ago, no one would believe it! The quality of life, authenticity and our increasingly cosmopolitan cities are very strong arguments, further driven by the strength of the real estate market. Despite the price increase, reaching levels never witnessed before in Portugal (EUR 10,500/ sq m in some areas), they remain, for these international buyers, at a desirable level compared to other European cities. And regarding the housing quality standards, we are also exceling!

Versão Portuguesa


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