
JLL European City Dynamics report 2019

This report explores shifting populations and changing societal and economic structures, and the impact this is having on European housing demand.

Setembro 04, 2019

In 2019, almost three quarters of Europeans live in cities and towns and this proportion is only projected to grow. We explore the impact of this changing demographic landscape on the housing solutions needed for people across Europe.

At JLL, we are committed to understanding the changing ways in which people are living, both through choice and necessity, to create the right homes for individuals as they move from study, through working life, and into retirement.

This report presents three main strands of understanding Europe’s changing demographic landscape: where people are living, who they are, and the changing patterns of how they are living. These three interlinked elements affect the current and future demand for homes across the continent.

With insights into population changes across Europe, we take a closer look at population age profiles, examine societal shifts in the way adults are living and take a forward look at the trends we can expect to see developing over the next decade. This analysis sheds light on the current and future demand for homes, and the range of housing solutions required by Europe’s growing urban population.

Some of the European trends we explore, include:

  • Strong urbanisation
  • Ageing populations
  • Youthful cities
  • Declining household sizes
  • Growing enrolment in tertiary education

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