
New life, new
home? 2020

Has the Covid-19 altered our housing needs?

Julho 29, 2020

In early March 2020, Covid-19 arrived in Portugal and quickly began to spread throughout the country.

To contain and fight the virus, the country went into lockdown and the Portuguese population locked themselves at home.

The home that, for many, represented merely the basic functions of “eating and sleeping”, became, from suddenly, the place where everything happens, accumulating both the functions of work and leisure.

This enormous challenge at a personal, family and professional level, led to the need for new solutions to facilitate and adapt the homes to the multiplicity of purposes they had to meet. It was with this in mind that JLL challenged the Portuguese to respond to a survey regarding their homes to understand what changes the confinement brought about, and which will remain in the future.

Aceda à versão portuguesa aqui.

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