Unlocking value through strategic repositioning
Our latest insight report, Unlocking value through strategic repositioning, centres on asset repositioning in the retail sector – what the imperative is for repurposing, what the key barriers are, and how to overcome these to unlock opportunity.
- Colin Burnet
The imperative for repurposing may be strongest within the hard-hit retail sector, but asset repositioning is a much broader real estate concern. It’s likely that all asset classes will be impacted, from car parks through to offices, driven by forces that are strong and accelerating – from technology and demographic shifts through to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In our new report, we look at why repositioning is moving towards the top of the agenda for many landlords, and as a trend will continue to gather pace over the next decade. We identify the significant barriers and risks to repurposing, as well as the undoubted opportunities that exist within the retail sector. We also summarise some key case studies to showcase what’s happening in the market right now, and outline what the guiding principles are for successful asset repositioning in the future.